School of Technology and Applied Sciences Pullarikunnu (STAS)


Our college prides itself on delivering a robust and enriching academic experience designed to nurture the intellectual growth of our students. Rooted in a commitment to excellence, our academic programs span a diverse range of disciplines, providing students with a well-rounded education.Our distinguished faculty members, experts in their respective fields, are dedicated to fostering a dynamic learning environment through innovative teaching methods.


Our college is equipped with a wide array of cutting-edge facilities designed to enhance the overall student experience and support their holistic development.The college provides a common place for the students and faculty for holding seminars, public functions and cultural programmes.The library, stocked with an extensive collection of books, journals, and digital resources, serves as a knowledge hub for academic pursuits.Well equipped Lab with Internet facility

About Us

As per the instruction of Kerala Government, this institution was established by Mahatma Gandhi University in the year 1993. Since it’s inception, the institution have been providing quality education to it’s students. The institution posses a large plethora of Alumni who are serving in various prestigious institutions both in India and abroad.This institution was brought under the management of ‘Centre for Professional and Advanced Studies’ created by Kerala Government.

Courses offered in this institution are BSc Computer Science (40 seats), BCA (60 seats), BSc Cyber Forensics (60 seats), MCA (30 seats) , MSc Cyber Forensics (20 seats) and MSc Artificial Intellegence (12 seats).STAS Kottayam is located at Pullarikkunnu, a beautiful place, 5kms from Kottayam and 3 kms from Medical College.

School of Technology and Applied Sciences (STAS), was established in the year 1993, by the Mahatma Gandhi University. At present, the institution is under the direct administrative control of Centre for Professional and Advanced Studies (CPAS), a Government controlled society, headed by the Honourable Higher Education Minister, with three regional centres at Kottayam, Kochi and Pathanamthitta.

In addition to the breadth and depth of knowledge, STAS is actively involved in conducting seminars, workshops, NSS camps, nature camps etc. so as to develop leaders in technology with social responsibility. No wonder that many of the alumni’s of STAS are now in top positions of many MNC’s like TCS, Infosys, Wipro, IBM, IBS, UST Global etc. In India and abroad and also some are in the leading roles of various public sector organizations.








Years of Experience

Vision and Mission

The vision of the institution is to equip the students to face global competitiveness and challenges at affordable cost. The mission is to get access to high quality professional education to the less privileged groups of the society at a less expense compared to the private colleges in and around the state.

Aim is to provide opportunity to acquire higher education in Kerala for students who have completed their senior secondary education by bridging the shortage of seats available in Kerala Government institutions.


Sri Harikrishnan P


Centre for Professional and Advanced Studies
Gandhinagar, Kottayam


School of Technology and Applied Sciences Pullarikunnu (STAS)


Compuer Science

A Computer Science course provides a comprehensive education in the principles and practices of computing, enabling students to develop a deep understanding of various aspects within the field. The curriculum typically encompasses fundamental topics such as algorithms, data structures, programming languages, and computer architecture. Students delve into software development, gaining proficiency in coding, debugging, and problem-solving.

BSc Computer Science (Honours) Data Science and Analytics, BSc Cyber Forensics (Honours) Network Security, Bachelor of Computer Application(BCA) Honours, Master of Computer Applications (MCA), MSc Cyber Forensics, MSc Artificial Intelligence,

Computer Application

A Computer Applications course focuses on providing practical skills in using computer software and applications for various purposes.Students typically learn popular office productivity suites, database management systems, and graphic design software. The curriculum often includes training in programming basics, web development, and troubleshooting common software issues.


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